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If you’ve asked yourself whether insomnia can be cured, you’ve probably been quite worried. Before we even answer the question, a virtual hug is in order. 

Everything will be fine.

Regardless of how long you’ve struggled, how intense the troubles have been or any other circumstances, every human can have peaceful sleep. 

We will see how in a second, but to answer the question of whether insomnia can be cured, the short answer is no. Because here lies the rub: insomnia is not a disorder or a disease. 

Insomnia is a misunderstanding.

Insomnia is a learned mindset where one restless night at some point made us anxious, and made us try to prevent it from happening again. 

And this is the thing, sleep is a passive process. It happens all by itself when we aren’t trying to make it happen. 

By trying to prevent a second restless night, the passivity, the effortlessness goes away and we have a second restless night. 

We try more and more things to sleep, inadvertently teaching ourselves that this is how one should respond. With time, our new normal becomes one of rituals, supplements, avoidance, medication and ongoing sleep struggles.

Months or years of struggle can come from our attempts at preventing that first night when we didn’t sleep well. 

But we are not ill. 

There’s no condition or illness or malady to cure. There’s simply been a misunderstanding.

Knowing this, it’s easy to see that the way we return to sleeping well is through education. 

You could say that education is the cure, but then again the “disorder” would be confusion, nothing else. 

And fortunately, you’ve come to a place full of education about sleep and insomnia. 

Education which will not only lead to you no longer asking whether insomnia can be cured, but to that place we all want to be in: peaceful sleep and peace of mind.